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Procédé selon lequel l’attribution d’un traitement à une personne se prêtant à une recherche impliquant la personne humaine est réalisée de façon aléatoire, en vue de réduire les biais dans la réalisation de la recherche.


Produit qui a la même apparence que celle du traitement testé mais qui ne contient pas de substance active. La comparaison de son effet sur le corps avec celui du produit étudié permet d’être sûr de l’effet véritable de ce dernier.

est en ouvert

Vous et votre médecin vous connaissez le traitement qui vous a été attribué.

Procédures de l’étude

Examen (analyses de laboratoire, imagerie médicale, ...) requis dans le cadre d’une recherche impliquant la personne humaine dont la fréquence peut varier par rapport au soin courant.

Recherche impliquant la personne humaine

(RIPH) : Recherche organisée et pratiquée sur l’être humain en vue du développement des connaissances biologiques et médicales ci-après dénommée « l’étude ou la recherche » dans la suite de ce document.


Terme utilisé pour décrire un événement d’apparition récente, de courte durée et qui s’aggrave rapidement. Il peut décrire une maladie, mais également des symptômes et des signes chez un patient. Le contraire d’aigu est chronique.

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Terme utilisé pour décrire un événement d’apparition récente, de courte durée et qui s’aggrave rapidement. Il peut décrire une maladie, mais également des symptômes et des signes chez un patient. Le contraire d’aigu est chronique.

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Douleur aiguë

Sensation désagréable de douleur qui survient rapidement et dure peu de temps. Elle peut se produire après une chirurgie, un traumatisme ou une autre affection, et elle agit souvent comme une mise en garde indiquant que l’organisme a besoin d’aide.

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Forme de cancer prenant naissance dans les cellules de l’organisme qui produisent des fluides et des lubrifiants, par exemple l’intestin.

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Traitement adjuvant

Traitement souvent administré après une chirurgie pour détruire toutes les cellules cancéreuses restantes, afin de diminuer le risque de récidive du cancer. Les traitements adjuvants peuvent être une chimiothérapie, une radiothérapie, une hormonothérapie, une thérapie ciblée ou une thérapie biologique.

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Cancer avancé

Cancer qui peut avoir commencé à se propager aux tissus ou aux ganglions lymphatiques environnants, et dont la taille est normalement plus importante que les tumeurs observées chez les patients ne présentant pas un cancer avancé. Dans certains cas, le cancer avancé décrit également une tumeur qui a récidivé après avoir été traitée.

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Dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge

Affection provoquant une vision trouble ou une réduction de la vision au centre d’un œil ou des deux yeux, provoquée par une lésion de la zone de la rétine située à l’arrière de l’œil, dénommée macula.

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Affection provoquant une vision trouble ou une réduction de la vision au centre d’un œil ou des deux yeux, provoquée par une lésion de la zone de la rétine située à l’arrière de l’œil, dénommée macula.

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Test effectué au cours de la grossesse consistant à prélever une petite quantité du liquide environnant le fœtus dans l’utérus, afin de contrôler l’enfant en développement.

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Affection au cours de laquelle une personne présente une réduction de la quantité d’hémoglobine ou du nombre de globules rouges, pouvant entraîner une diminution de la capacité à transporter suffisamment d’oxygène dans l’organisme.

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Croissance des vaisseaux sanguins. L’angiogenèse tumorale est la croissance de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins dont ont besoin les cancers pour se développer.

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Médicament ou méthode utilisé(e) pour réduire l’inflammation, qui se manifeste sous forme de rougeur, de gonflement ou de douleur (inflammation).

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Les anticorps sont créés par des cellules du système immunitaire, et sont transportés dans tout l’organisme par le sang et la lymphe. Ils adhèrent par exemple aux cellules ou aux portions de cellules présentes dans l’organisme d’une personne afin de déterminer si ces cellules sont bénéfiques ou nocives. Les anticorps qui adhèrent aux bactéries et aux virus, responsables des infections, aident l’organisme à détruire ces bactéries et ces virus, protégeant ainsi l’organisme contre les infections. Certains types d’anticorps (dénommés anticorps monoclonaux), élaborés en laboratoire et non dans l’organisme, peuvent détecter des cellules nocives présentes dans l’organisme, par exemple des cellules cancéreuses, et contribuer à les détruire.

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Médicament antiviral

Type de médicament conçu pour traiter les infections provoquées par les virus.

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Affection pulmonaire chronique fréquente, provoquée par un gonflement (inflammation) des voies aériennes, entraînant des difficultés pour respirer.

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Maladie auto-immune

Terme utilisé pour décrire un groupe de maladies au cours desquelles le système immunitaire d’un organisme attaque ses propres cellules ou structures saines par erreur. Les maladies auto-immunes peuvent affecter différentes parties de l’organisme, notamment l’intestin (par exemple, maladie de Crohn et rectocolite hémorragique), les articulations (par exemple, polyarthrite rhumatoïde) ou la peau (par exemple, psoriasis).

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Meilleur traitement symptomatique

Soins destinés à soulager les symptômes provoqués par des maladies graves (par exemple, cancer).

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Thérapie/traitement biologique

Thérapie basée sur des produits provenant d’un organisme vivant et utilisée dans la prévention, le diagnostic ou le traitement du cancer et d’autres maladies. Les médicaments biologiques comprennent par exemple les anticorps, les interleukines et les vaccins.

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Procédure chirurgicale courante consistant à prélever un petit échantillon de cellules ou de tissus, afin de l’examiner au microscope. Les types les plus courants de biopsies sont les suivants : biopsie-incision (où seul un échantillon de tissu est prélevé), biopsie-exérèse (où une masse entière ou une zone suspecte est retirée) et ponction-biopsie (où un échantillon de tissu ou de liquide est prélevé avec une aiguille).

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Procédure en aveugle ou en insu

Une procédure en aveugle signifie que les personnes participant à des études cliniques ne savent pas si elles ont reçu le nouveau médicament à l’étude, un ancien médicament dont l’efficacité a été démontrée ou un placebo qui ne contient aucun médicament actif. Elle permet de mieux comprendre si un nouveau médicament est efficace.

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Greffe de moelle osseuse

Procédure au cours de laquelle un patient reçoit des cellules saines à l’origine des cellules sanguines (dénommées cellules souches) afin de remplacer ses propres cellules souches qui ont été détruites par une maladie, ou par une radiothérapie ou des doses élevées de médicaments anticancéreux administrés dans le cadre de son traitement. Une greffe de moelle osseuse peut être autologue (en utilisant les propres cellules souches d’un patient qui ont été collectées dans la moelle et conservées avant traitement), allogénique (en utilisant des cellules souches données par quelqu’un qui n’est pas un jumeau du patient) ou syngénique (isogénique) (en utilisant des cellules souches données par un jumeau).

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Traitement de dérivation

Il s’agit de médicaments utilisés dans le traitement de l’hémophilie. Ils agissent en contournant (par dérivation) les inhibiteurs qui empêchent un autre médicament d’agir afin d’aider l’organisme à former un caillot sanguin normal.

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Chez les sujets sains, les cellules se développent et se multiplient à une vitesse contrôlée constante, qui est nécessaire afin que les organismes fonctionnent correctement (par exemple pour guérir après une maladie ou une blessure). Parfois une modification, ou altération, de l’ADN, qui délivre les instructions sur la manière dont les cellules doivent se comporter, peut survenir de manière aléatoire lorsque les cellules se divisent. Ces altérations (également dénommées « mutations ») peuvent conduire les cellules à se développer et à se multiplier de façon anarchique, pour former finalement un groupe de cellules cancéreuses anormales, dénommé tumeur.

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Type de traitement favorisant ou supprimant le propre système immunitaire de l’organisme pour combattre les cellules cancéreuses.

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Immunothérapie anticancéreuse

Type de traitement favorisant ou supprimant le propre système immunitaire de l’organisme pour combattre les cellules cancéreuses.

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Cancer primitif inconnu

Terme utilisé lorsqu’un cancer est mis en évidence dans l’organisme d’un patient, mais dont l’origine (le site primaire où le cancer a commencé) n’est pas connue. Au moment du diagnostic, un CPI se présente sous forme de métastases dans différentes régions de l’organisme.

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Terme utilisé lorsqu’un cancer est mis en évidence dans l’organisme d’un patient, mais dont l’origine (le site primaire où le cancer a commencé) n’est pas connue. Au moment du diagnostic, un CPI se présente sous forme de métastases dans différentes régions de l’organisme.

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Capsule endoscopique

Examen au cours duquel un patient avale une petite capsule contenant une minuscule caméra et une source de lumière. Celle-ci prend des photos de l’intérieur de l’intestin du patient, au fur et à mesure de son transit, afin que le médecin les examine.

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Endoscopie par capsule

Examen au cours duquel un patient avale une petite capsule contenant une minuscule caméra et une source de lumière. Celle-ci prend des photos de l’intérieur de l’intestin du patient, au fur et à mesure de son transit, afin que le médecin les examine.

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Personne en mesure de transmettre une altération génétique associée à une maladie, mais qui peut ou non manifester elle-même les symptômes de la maladie.

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Personne en mesure de transmettre une altération génétique associée à une maladie, mais qui peut ou non manifester elle-même les symptômes de la maladie.

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Checkpoint inhibitors

To detect cells in the body that are bad or defective, the immune system uses specific molecules (or checkpoints) on some immune cells to start the attack on bad cells. Cancer cells sometimes find ways to use these checkpoints to avoid being attacked by the immune system. Checkpoint inhibitors are medicines that stop the cancer cells protecting themselves.

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Drugs that stop cancer growing, either by killing the cancer cells or by stopping them from dividing.

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Chorionic villus sampling

A test done during pregnancy to take a small number of cells from the placenta connecting the mother to her baby in the womb to test for conditions in the growing baby.

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Genes are packaged as chromosomes (a long chain of genes folded up tightly to fit in a cell). There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell of an individual without any genetic disorders. One-half of the pair comes from the mother, the other half from the father.

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A term used to describe something that gets worse slowly and continues for a long period of time. It can describe a disease, or patients’ symptoms and signs. The opposite of chronic is acute.

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Chronic kidney dysfunction

A term that describes life-long disorders of the kidney.

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Chronic metabolic diseases

A term that describes the combination of increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. These conditions are life-long and cannot be cured. However, with effective management (for example treatments or lifestyle changes), people can continue to live a full life.

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

A term that describes a group of lung diseases including emphysema (the destruction of lung tissue that allows people to breathe), chronic bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) and refractory (non-reversible) asthma. These conditions are life-long.

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A term that describes a group of lung diseases including emphysema (the destruction of lung tissue that allows people to breathe), chronic bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) and refractory (non-reversible) asthma. These conditions are life-long.

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Chronic pain

Ongoing pain lasting more than 12 weeks.

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Chronic respiratory disease

A term that describes all life-long conditions affecting the organs and tissues that make breathing and transport of oxygen and other gases around the body possible.

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Liver scarring that results from previous damage, such as from an infection or from drinking too much alcohol. This scarring can cause problems with the way the liver works and this can lead to further problems.

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Clinical trial

Clinical trials are medical research studies that involve people. The aim of a clinical trial is to test new drugs to see how well they work in helping people feel better, or in helping a disease to improve or stop getting worse. Clinical trials also test whether new drugs are safe and if they have any side effects. If clinical trials show that the new drug works well and does not have too many side effects, the company can apply to official organisations in different countries to ask if the drug can be given to other people with the disease who are not in clinical trials

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Cognitive dysfunction

The impairment of the intellectual functions such as thinking, remembering and reasoning that can be subclinical or bad enough to get in the way of daily activities.

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Colorectal cancer

The colon and rectum make up the large intestine, which is the final part of the gut (or the digestive or gastrointestinal) system. Colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) is a broad term meaning cancer that develops in the colon or rectum.

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The colon and rectum make up the large intestine, which is the final part of the gut (or the digestive or gastrointestinal) system. Colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) is a broad term meaning cancer that develops in the colon or rectum.

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A technique where a special tube with a camera is inserted through a patient’s anus to view the rectum and colon to check for any unusual growths or inflammation in the gut. A sample (or biopsy) of any unusual growths may also be taken to check whether there is any sign of colorectal cancer.

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Also known as computerised tomography. A type of scan that uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of the body.

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A steroid hormone that can be made by the body or in a laboratory. Corticosteroids have many different effects in the body, and are used to treat many different conditions. They may be used as hormone replacement, to suppress the immune system, and to treat some side effects of cancer and its treatment.

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Crohn’s disease

An autoimmune bowel disease that can cause inflammation (swelling, redness, and pain) anywhere in the gut, but most often in part of the small intestines called the ‘ileum’ or in the large intestine, also known as the colon.

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Cystic fibrosis

A condition caused by a damaged gene that affects the movement of salt and water in and out of cells. This, combined with repeated infections, can cause a build-up of thick, sticky mucus in the body's airways. This particularly affects the lungs and digestive system, causing a wide range of challenging complications all over the body.

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DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid

Also known as deoxyribonucleic acid. Genetic instructions used in the development, growth, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses.

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Diabetes mellitus

A term used to describe a group of disorders that cause a person’s blood sugar to become too high. This disease occurs when the body does not make enough insulin or does not use insulin the way it should.

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Frequent, loose and watery bowel movements.

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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

The most common type of lymphoma and the most common type of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which spreads all over lymph nodes rapidly.

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The most common type of lymphoma and the most common type of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which spreads all over lymph nodes rapidly.

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Double blinding

Double blinding means that both the researchers running the clinical trial and the people taking part in the clinical trial do not know which drug a person is given until after the clinical trial has finished.

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Dry age-related macular degeneration

Dry age-related macular degeneration is the most common form of age-related macular degeneration, occurring in around nine out of ten patients. It is caused by the layers of the macula, in the back of the eye, slowly becoming thinner as old cells die without being replaced by the body. This causes the macula to gradually stop working properly with vision in the centre of the eye slowly being lost.

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Insertion of a thin tube with a camera, either through the mouth (to view the oesophagus and stomach) or through the anus (to view the rectum and colon).

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Also known as epidermal growth factor receptor. The protein found on the surface of some cells. When epidermal growth factor binds to EGFR the cells divide, creating new cells. An alteration in the EGFR gene can lead to cancer.

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Progesterone receptor

The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Estrogen receptor

The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The estrogen and progesterone receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. Checking the amount of estrogen or progesterone receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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European Medicines Agency

European Union agency whose role is to protect and promote public health by overseeing the use of medicinal products in Europe Union member states. The EMA’s scientific committees review the evidence from clinical trials and make a recommendation on whether a medicine should be made available for the treatment of a particular disease. The decision is based upon several factors, including how well the medicine works and how safe the medicine is.

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European Union agency whose role is to protect and promote public health by overseeing the use of medicinal products in Europe Union member states. The EMA’s scientific committees review the evidence from clinical trials and make a recommendation on whether a medicine should be made available for the treatment of a particular disease. The decision is based upon several factors, including how well the medicine works and how safe the medicine is.

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Extranodal disease

When cancerous lymphocytes (white blood cells) travel to sites of the body other than the lymph nodes (for example the lungs, liver, blood, bone marrow, kidneys, brain, and spinal cord).

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Factor 8/9

Also known as factor VIII/IX. Haemophilia is caused by an alteration (a defect or change) in a person’s genes. People with haemophilia A have a defect in a gene called factor 8 and people with haemophilia B have a defect in a gene called factor 9. In both cases, the affected gene is either missing or does not work.

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Food and Drug Administration

US agency whose role is to protect and promote public health in the US. The FDA decides if evidence from clinical trials has shown that a new medicine works well enough and is safe enough to be approved for use in the treatment of a particular disease.

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US agency whose role is to protect and promote public health in the US. The FDA decides if evidence from clinical trials has shown that a new medicine works well enough and is safe enough to be approved for use in the treatment of a particular disease.

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A protein that forms a sticky mesh across injured blood vessels to create a clot and stop bleeding, similar to a plaster placed over a wound.

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Abnormal channels or passageways that form from one internal organ to another, or to the outside surface of the body. They can occur in any part of the body, but they are most common in the digestive system.

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Follicular lymphoma

The most common type of low-grade (slow-growing) non-Hodgkin lymphoma and the second most common type of lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma usually begins in the lymph nodes, but can spread throughout the body.

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Genes are the instructions for how to build all known living organisms from bacteria to humans. They are pieces of DNA inherited from parents and contain all the information needed to make people who they are – from the colour of someone’s eyes to their blood type.

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Genetic carrier

A person who is capable of passing on a genetic alteration associated with a disease, but who may or may not display disease symptoms themselves.

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The way that characteristics of living organisms (from the colour of someone’s eyes to their blood type) are passed from a parent to their child.

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Genomic profile

This gives information about specific genes, including how they are different from one person to another in a certain type of disease. A genomic profile may be used to help diagnose a disease or to learn how the disease may get worse without treatments or get better with different treatments.

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A type of corticosteroid medication that is used to treat a range of diseases caused by inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis, by suppressing the body’s immune system.

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Blood in the urine.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma

The most common type of liver cancer. HCC begins when alterations (defects or changes) occur in hepatocyte (specialised liver cell) DNA. These alterations affect the DNA instructions and can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and eventually the formation of a tumour.

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The most common type of liver cancer. HCC begins when alterations (defects or changes) occur in hepatocyte (specialised liver cell) DNA. These alterations affect the DNA instructions and can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and eventually the formation of a tumour.

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A term that describes inflammation of the liver. It is usually the result of liver damage caused by a viral infection or by drinking too much alcohol.

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Hepatitis virus

There are three types of hepatitis virus called A, B and C. Long-term infection with hepatitis B or C can cause liver cirrhosis (a scarring of the tissues that can cause problems with the way the liver works).

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Also known as human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HER2 is a protein involved in normal cell growth. It can be made in larger than normal amounts by some types of cancer cells, including breast cancer, and cause cancer cells to grow more quickly. When cancers have more HER2 than normal, they are called ‘HER2-positive’ or ‘HER2+’. Checking the amount of HER2 on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Also known as human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HER2 is a protein involved in normal cell growth. It can be made in larger than normal amounts by some types of cancer cells, including breast cancer, and cause cancer cells to grow more quickly. When cancers have more HER2 than normal, they are called ‘HER2-positive’ or ‘HER2+’. Checking the amount of HER2 on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Also known as human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HER2 is a protein involved in normal cell growth. It can be made in larger than normal amounts by some types of cancer cells, including breast cancer, and cause cancer cells to grow more quickly. When cancers have more HER2 than normal, they are called ‘HER2-positive’ or ‘HER2+’. Checking the amount of HER2 on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Hormone treatment

A treatment that uses medicines to block or lower the amount of hormones in the body to slow down or stop the growth of cancer.

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Host cell

A cell that is infected by a virus or another type of microorganism

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Also known as human immunodeficiency virus. A virus that damages the cells in a person’s immune system and weakens their ability to fight everyday infections and disease.

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Immune cells

White blood cells that protect the body from foreign (or harmful) substances, cells and viruses by creating an immune response.

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Immune tolerance induction

A method where medicine is given regularly over a period of time until the body is trained to recognise the treatment product without reacting (without forming an immune response) to it.

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Investigator-initiated studies

Investigator Initiated Studies (IIS) are clinical trials that are designed and run by researchers who don't work for a pharmaceutical company. In these trials, a pharmaceutical company such as Roche may be a supporting collaborator.

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A method where medicine is given regularly over a period of time until the body is trained to recognise the treatment product without reacting (without forming an immune response) to it.

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Immune system

The process that protects the body from foreign (or harmful) substances, cells and viruses by creating white blood cells to fight the bad cells detected.

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A partial or complete suppression of the immune system that can leave a person at a high risk of infection, which they may be less able to fight off.

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Immunotherapy uses substances either made naturally by the body or manmade in a laboratory to boost the immune system in order to stop or slow cancer cell growth.

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A term used to describe a device that is surgically inserted into the body to deliver a medicine, replace a bit of the body that is damaged or missing, or to monitor/measure what is happening in the body.

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Inflammatory bowel disease

A condition that causes inflammation of the digestive system. Inflammation is the body’s reaction to an injury, infection or irritation and can cause redness, swelling and pain. There are two common types of IBD, which are called Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. While these can have the same symptoms, they can affect different parts of the digestive system.

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A condition that causes inflammation of the digestive system. Inflammation is the body’s reaction to an injury, infection or irritation and can cause redness, swelling and pain. There are two common types of IBD, which are called Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. While these can have the same symptoms, they can affect different parts of the digestive system.

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Influenza is a relatively common infection of the airways that causes fever, intense aching and cold-like symptoms, a general feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles, and often headaches. It is caused by the influenza virus.

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The flu is a relatively common infection of the airways that causes fever, intense aching and cold-like symptoms, a general feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles, and often headaches. It is caused by the influenza virus.

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Influenza virus

The highly infectious virus responsible for causing influenza. There are three types of influenza virus known as type A, B and C.

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Intracranial haemorrhage

A bleed inside the skull.

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Intravenous infusion

An intravenous infusion is where medicine is given directly into the bloodstream over time in a controlled, steady manner. This is usually done in a clinic as it involves a plastic tube inserted into a vein so that the amount and speed of the medicine can be carefully controlled by a healthcare professional over a period of time.

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Large cell carcinoma

Cancer cells that are large and round with big nuclei (the part of the cell that contains all of its genetic information).

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Lymphatic system

The tissues and organs that produce, store, and carry white blood cells that fight infections and other diseases. This system includes the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels (a network of thin tubes that carry lymph and white blood cells).

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Lymphocytes help protect the body from infection. They travel continuously around the body through a network known as the lymphatic system, which includes the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels (a network of thin tubes that carry lymph and white blood cells).

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A cancer that starts in the vessels of the lymphatic system.

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The macula is an area in the back of the eye, near the centre of the retina, which is the part of the eye that has the best vision.

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Metastatic cancer

Metastatic cancer is a tumour that has spread from where it originally began to another organ or tissue (for example breast cancer cells that move to the bone).

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Monoclonal antibody treatment

Antibodies are created by cells of the immune system and are carried around the body by blood. They stick to cells or parts of cells in an individual’s body to work out if the cells are good or bad. Antibodies that stick to bad bacteria and viruses, which cause infections, help the body to destroy the bacteria and viruses, protecting the body against the infection. Certain types of antibodies (called monoclonal antibodies), made in the laboratory instead of the body, can detect other bad cells in the body such as cancer cells and help to destroy them.

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Also known as magnetic resonance imaging. A type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves linked to a computer to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.

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mTOR inhibitor

A medicine that blocks mTOR, which can cause cancer cells to die.

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Multiple sclerosis

A disease that affects a patient’s central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), which can eventually lead to disability.

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Mutation, more universally referred to as an alteration

A sudden or inherited change in the DNA pattern that makes up a gene, so that the gene is different from what is found in healthy cells of humans or animals, or any other living organism. An alteration can induce cancer.

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A substance that surrounds nerve fibres, insulating them like electrical wires, so that electrical signals pass through them easily.

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Neoadjuvant therapy/treatment

Treatment given before surgery to shrink a tumour.

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Neovascular age-related macular degeneration

A form of age-related macular degeneration that can cause a patient to lose their eyesight very quickly, sometimes within a few weeks. This is caused by unhealthy blood vessels growing under the macula (part of the retina at the back of the eye) where they would not normally grow. The new unhealthy vessels can cause swelling and bleeding under the macula causing scarring and loss of vision.

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Wet age-related macular degeneration

A form of age-related macular degeneration that can cause a patient to lose their eyesight very quickly, sometimes within a few weeks. This is caused by unhealthy blood vessels growing under the macula (part of the retina at the back of the eye) where they would not normally grow. The new unhealthy vessels can cause swelling and bleeding under the macula causing scarring and loss of vision.

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Removal of the kidney by surgery.

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Neuromuscular disorders

A term used to describe a group of disorders that affect the how the muscles work.

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Non-small-cell lung cancer

The most common type of lung cancer. There are three main types of NSCLC (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma), which are determined from the way the tumour cells appear when looked at under a microscope.

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The most common type of lung cancer. There are three main types of NSCLC (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma), which are determined from the way the tumour cells appear when looked at under a microscope.

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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

A type of cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes, which help protect the body from infection. Lymphocytes become abnormal and are unable to fight infections. The abnormal lymphocytes tend to collect in the lymph nodes and spleen, causing them to swell and form cancerous tumours.

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A type of cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes, which help protect the body from infection. Lymphocytes become abnormal and are unable to fight infections. The abnormal lymphocytes tend to collect in the lymph nodes and spleen, causing them to swell and form cancerous tumours.

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Non-steroidal antiinflammatory

An anti-inflammatory medicine used to reduce swelling (inflammation).

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Optical coherence tomography

A scan that uses light and a computer to provide a cross sectional image of the retina.

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A condition that is most common in older women, where bones become increasingly weak and fragile, causing them to eventually crumble and break.

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A severe form of ulcerative colitis that has spread throughout the entire large bowel/intestine.

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Peripheral vision

The ability to see objects and movement outside of the direct line of vision (side vision).

Platinum-doublet chemotherapy

A combination of two cancer-killing drugs that contain platinum, which are given together and used to treat certain forms of lung cancer.

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An infection of the lungs that is caused by a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, which produces swelling of the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus, causing a cough, fever, chills and difficulty breathing.

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Progesterone receptor

The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Estrogen receptor

The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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The progesterone and estrogen receptors are proteins found on the cells of the female reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. The sex hormones progesterone and estrogen will bind to the receptors and can cause the cells to grow. When cancers have progesterone receptors they are called ‘PR-positive’ or ‘PR+’. When cancers have estrogen receptors they are called ‘ER-positive’ or ‘ER+’. Checking the amount of progesterone or estrogen receptors on some types of cancer cells may help to plan treatment.

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Inflammation of the lining of the rectum.

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Prophylactic treatment

A treatment to protect a person from a disease (or the symptoms) they have, or may be exposed to. For example, prophylactic treatment can be given to patients with haemophilia (who are at risk of severe bleeds) to prevent their bleeds before they happen.

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A long chain of very small molecules called amino acids that are organised into both simple and complex structures, and form almost everything in a living organism, from hair and skin to enzymes and antibodies.

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A treatment where the body is exposed to radiation to damage cancer cells and ultimately kill them.

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A method in clinical trials using chance (like flipping a coin) to split a group of patients into two or more smaller groups. Patients in the different groups are given different drugs so one can be compared with another.

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Recombinant DNA

A form of artificial DNA that is created when pieces of DNA from different sources are joined together.

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When the signs and symptoms of cancer or other diseases disappear. A remission can be temporary or permanent.

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Renal cell carcinoma

The most common type of kidney cancer. About nine out of ten of kidney cancers are RCC.

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The most common type of kidney cancer. About nine out of ten of kidney cancers are RCC.

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Partial or complete removal of an organ, tissue or structure by surgery.

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Rheumatoid arthritis

An inflammatory disease of the joints of the body, which causes painful swelling.

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A cancer that starts in the muscle or bones.

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Seizure disorder

A condition where a person has multiple attacks causing convulsions, muscle spasms and sometimes loss of consciousness.

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Small-cell lung cancer

A type of lung cancer. The type of lung cancer is determined from the way the tumour cells appear when examined under a microscope.

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Sickle cell anaemia

A condition where a person’s red blood cells do not last as long as normal red blood cells. The cells get stuck in blood vessels due to an abnormal ‘sickle-like’ shape, resulting in a reduction in the number of blood cells. This is a serious and life-long condition where red blood cells cannot carry enough oxygen around the body.

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Side effects

An unwanted effect of a drug or medical treatment. For example, some chemotherapies can cause hair loss.

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The organization or person who initiates the study and who has authority and control over the study.

Spontaneous bleeding

Bleeding that occurs in someone who has not had any damage or trauma to their body because they have a disorder that stops their blood clotting when it should.

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Squamous cell carcinoma

A cancer that starts in the flat cells that cover the airway surface of the lungs

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Stem cell transplant

A procedure where a patient receives healthy blood-forming cells (called stem cells) to replace their own stem cells that have been destroyed by disease, or by the radiation or high doses of anticancer drugs that are given as part of their treatment. A bone marrow transplant may be autologous (by using a patient’s own stem cells that were collected from the marrow and saved before treatment), allogeneic (by using stem cells donated by someone who is not an identical twin), or syngeneic (by using stem cells donated by an identical twin).

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Areas of the bowel that have narrowed due to the growth of scar tissue from repeated inflammation (swelling) and healing.

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The removal of strictures in the digestive system by surgery.

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Targeted therapy

A type of treatment that uses drugs to find and attack specific types of cancer cells with less harm to normal cells. Some targeted therapies block the action of certain molecules involved in the growth and spread of cancer cells. Other types of targeted therapies help the immune system to kill cancer cells or deliver toxic substances directly to cancer cells to kill them. Targeted therapy may have fewer side effects than other types of cancer treatment.

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TNM staging

A tumour grading system. These refer to the size of the tumour (T), whether the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes (N) and whether the cancer has spread (or metastasised) to other parts of the body (M).

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Triple-negative breast cancer

A type of cancer where tumour cells do not have receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone or the protein HER2. This type of cancer cannot be treated with standard hormone treatment or targeted treatment. Patients would usually be given surgery or chemotherapy.

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A type of cancer where tumour cells do not have receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone or the protein HER2. This type of cancer cannot be treated with standard hormone treatment or targeted treatment. Patients would usually be given surgery or chemotherapy.

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Trivalent vaccine

A vaccine that contains three types of dead, inactive virus strains that cannot cause infection.

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Tyrosine kinase

Tyrosine kinases are a part of many cell functions, including cell growth and dividing. They may be too active or high levels may be found in some types of cancer cells, so blocking them may help to keep cancer cells from growing.

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Tyrosine kinase inhibitors

These drugs block tyrosine kinases, which are part of the specific communication process that controls the basic activities of cells that can cause cancer to grow uncontrollably.

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Ulcerative colitis

A condition that causes inflammation in the inner lining of the rectum and the lower colon. As well as inflammation, patients with ulcerative colitis can also develop ulcers on the lining of their colon that can bleed and produce mucus, resulting in diarrhoea (frequent loose stools or bowel movements) and bleeding from the rectum.

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An injection including an inactive virus, or a small part of an active virus, that cannot cause infection by itself in a normal person. The injection helps the body identify the virus as ‘bad’ so if the body is attacked by the real virus in the future it can protect itself against the virus and disease.

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Also known as vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. VEGF is a protein that is involved in creating new blood vessels, and treatment with VEGF inhibitors stops new unwanted blood vessels from growing.

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A simple microorganism that infects cells and may cause disease.

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Trial Length

The trial length is calculated as the whole duration of the trial, from the (estimated / actual) start date to the (estimated / actual) end date from The period of time the patient is participating in the trial may be shorter.

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Also known as mammalian/mechanistic target of rapamycin. A protein that helps control several cell functions, including cell division and survival, and may be more active in some types of cancer cells than it is in normal cells.